Thursday 14 January 2016

How To Be A Well-Paid Writer!

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About 12 years ago, I graduated from the university with 2.1 [2nd Class Upper]. After my NYSC, I searched for a job but was never able to get a well paid job. So I finally settled for a teaching job in a local school where I was paid N12,000 per month. I took the job because I had no choice at the time. I had younger ones and my parents were getting old and lots of responsibilities.

I had to put food on the table, so my taking the N12k job was for "getting by".

While I had that job, I was making frantic efforts to get a better job, but
nothing good came along.

I had a desktop computer at home that I use to browse the internet at the time.

So I started exploring the internet on how to better my situation. That was when I discovered Freelancewriting.

As a graduate, I loved writing, so I started writing during my free time after
work, and before you know it, I started generating a side income writing from

Eventually, I left my poorly paid teaching job, focused on writing as a career, and
I have not regretted doing that. I have been able to pay off all my debts, spend time with my family, and travel to anywhere I want, whenever I want it.

Today, there’s more work out there than most writers can handle, and because it’s growing daily, there’s plenty of space for you to join the fun. By taking advantage of the internet, you can earn a relatively fast income as a freelance writer, right from the comfort of your own home.

This awesome “Writing Opportunity” is available to you right now, and it can literally change your life and the lives of those you love.

Before the internet existed, writers needed extensive credits, college degrees, recommendations and impressive referrals before they could be hired by a magazine or newspapers to write for money.

However, things have changed. The internet opened up possibilities that never existed before and leveled the playing field. In essence, it turned the writing industry upside down. Now there are immediate opportunities for people from all walks of life… all ages…all over the world.

Some of the most successful online writers have no formal experience and have broken into this industry in a big way… not in years… months or weeks… but within days. Armed with a computer, a keyboard, basicwriting skills and an unquenchable desire, you can join the countless number of people who are earning a great living while working in the comfort of their homes.

Personally, I’m currently an internet marketer, writer and researcher and I began exactly where you are right now. I discovered the many opportunities the internet provides for people like you and I and I’ve spent time to write a detailed training containing the valuable information that I’ve gathered over the years to become
a better writer while earning 7 figures.

I’m so excited to share my knowledge with you.

Are you interested in writing and making a decent living from it?

If your answer is a YES, then subscribe to my FREE Training on exactly how I did this.

Visit our website here to subscribe

You're getting all the training you will need to become a better writer for free
while learning how to make a career out of this.

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